Directors' and Officers' insurance coverage – How well do you understand your cover?
Q: To what extent does your organisation agree to indemnify its directors and officers?
Results for 2025 are consistent with 2024.
Q: How important are the following aspects of Directors' and Officers' liability insurance coverage to you?
Note: Ranked based on ‘very important’ or ‘extremely important’ for each insurance coverage area.
Q. How important are the following aspects of Directors' and Officers' liability insurance coverage to you?
It continues to be the case that a fairly significant proportion of directors, officers and risk managers don't know what limits are being purchased for their D&O insurance - however, the proportions are down on 2024 when they ranged between 22-29%.
Note: Percentages may not add up due to rounding.
Even with a soft D&O insurance market, cost continues to be the main driver for how much D&O insurance companies buy.
14% of respondents are considering captive options despite the significant price drops the D&O insurance market has seen over the last few years.
Angus DuncanGlobal D&O Coverage Specialist (ex NA)